That time a hot dog almost killed me

Last night I ate a hot dog. Not a vegan dog. A real, beef, hot dog. It isn't the first time I've vegan cheated, but it may be the most memorable. I mean, I hope it is anyway.

Seriously. Love cows. I mean LOOK at this.
I've been vegan for 2 1/2 months now and overall I'm super happy with it. I'm still fat and that kinda pisses me off - but other than that, I feel better and I think I'm healthier. And I can not feel so hypocritical when I say I love cows. Cause I totally LOVE cows.

But last night I was making hot dogs for my family - my very not vegan family. I still make them food. *sigh* Anyway - before going vegan I loved hot dogs. I mean, I guess I still love hot dogs. Or I did until last night. I know, hot dogs are gross. Out of all the meat products someone could love why would anyone choose a hot dog? I don't know, y'all. I love those disgusting meat tubes.

So as I was making hot dogs I thought to my self, "Self, one hot dog isn't going to make or break anything. You really want it? Have a hot dog."

So I did. And I was kinda sneaky about it, too. Because my kids would be all "MOM, THAT'S NOT VEGAN!" All chastising and stuff. Psh. Anyway - so I sneaky ate my hot dog while I was preparing theirs and it was delicious. I put ketchup on it. I don't care that real hot dog lovers think that's gross. I love a damn hot dog with ketchup on it in a soft bun. Add some chopped onions and a tiny stripe of yellow mustard and that's a hell of a dog, y'all.

I thought I was cool. I ate the dog. I moved on. I called all of the people in to make their dogs and I left the room to check Facebook on the computer.

And that's when it started. The gallbladder attack. I've had them before. Usually they're not really major - I can breathe through them and move on. I come from a long line of gallstone sufferers. I had my first attack when I was pregnant with my oldest child over 18 years ago and I've had about one every couple of years since then. Less than a handful have been serious enough to warrant me seeking medical attention.

I wasn't going to go to the hospital because I knew it would pass. But this one was scary, y'all. I thought maybe I would die. It felt like the angel of death was reaching his cold, icy hand through my back, grasping my heart, squeezing, and attempting to yank it out of my body. That's honestly the best way I can describe it. So I kinda was freaking out and told The Man I was going to die.

Now, The Man is a tough guy. But he's not about to let me die and have to deal with three teenagers on his own so he insisted we go to the hospital. We're about 15 minutes away from the closest hospital and I wasn't sure I could make it in a car seat for 15 minutes so I was resistant. But I sort of thought my alternative might be death and I didn't want to die at home in front of my kids so I let him shove me into the car.

And we drove. And I tried to focus on my breathing. And I screamed a little. And cried. And said I was so sorry and that I would never ever EVER eat another hot dog.

And then it stopped. Just like that.

"It stopped." I said. "It's over. I'm fine."

Let me tell you.... I have never felt such a relief in all my life. I have given birth to three children and the pain of childbirth was not as bad as that gallbladder attack. I have had needles pierced into my toe and before last night I would have told you needles in the toe is the worst pain that can possibly ever happen. Nope - that gallbladder attack was worse.

So we didn't go into the hospital but we did walk around the emergency room parking lot for a bit because The Man was worried it would start up again. I knew it wouldn't but I didn't mind taking a little walk with him so it was all good. I'm going to be eating my dad's recommended gallbladder beet salad cure for a while every day and not straying from my vegan diet anymore. For sure I won't be touching anymore hot dogs.

Beet Recipe for Gallbladder Support (from
  • Coarsely grate 1 large raw organic beet root (washed but not peeled)
  • Add juice of lemon to taste (about 1/4 lemon)
  • 1-2 Tbsps flax oil
  • (Flax oil is by far the superior choice here as it is an omega 3 essential fatty acid, but if you are insulin resistant, use olive oil.)
  • Take one teaspoon of mixture every hour throughout the day
  • On day two and three make a fresh batch using ¼ of a large beet.
  • Take one teaspoon of mixture 3 to 4 times a day or more.
  • Make this mixture to add to your salads frequently or eat alone as above 2 or 3 times a week. This will keep the bile thin and moving. Note: If you cannot get organic beets, be sure to peel them. Otherwise, use the peel as well
  • Beets in any form are an excellent food for both the liver and the gallbladder
  • Eat your regular meals throughout this period, striving to eat lots of fresh vegetables, good fats and to avoid refined sugars and processed foods


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