Who is this man where my little boy used to be?

Today I drove my youngest child to school. He normally takes the bus but a couple of times a week he has to be there early to go to jazz band practice. The Man usually takes him because our sleep schedules are crazy and he's normally still awake - but this morning I was awake and The Man was asleep so we hopped in the car.

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This morning's conversation was centered on these two girls who are in several of his classes. They are super flirty and Nicholas just doesn't know what to do with them. He thinks one of them is pretty cute and actually asked her to go skating with him a few months ago but he was brutally rebuffed. It seems that the girl has since changed her tune and is vying for his attention.

My son, however, isn't going to ask her out again. Not even for the Valentine's Day dance that's coming up this week. Nope - she had her chance.

"She keeps telling me she likes my jawline, Mom. What does that even mean?"

And I look over at my handsome son and I see what this little girl is saying. He has a nice jawline. It's only recently revealed itself as it was shrouded in baby face until recently. But now, my baby, the sweet boy who will still give me a kiss right on the lips, who is almost taller than I am, who still sleeps in a twin size loft bed and barely fits at the desk underneath it - my baby is changing.

He has lost the baby fat. His shoulders are broader and the woman who cut his hair last week said he looks a bit like young Scott Baio. He's my last child and my heart is aching that he's not a child anymore. I want to just go back thirteen years for just a day and snuggle my babies again. Those babies aren't there anymore.

This quote from the lovely Jennifer Ball - the one and only Happy Hausfrau - popped up on my Facebook timeline this morning and oh - the pang of longing that hit me. Yes, I miss you, babies. I miss you more than I ever thought I would.


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